Blackpool: From the courts 01-11-16

Blackpool Magistrates CourtBlackpool Magistrates Court
Blackpool Magistrates Court
Here is a round-up of some of the cases at Blackpool Magistrates Court from October 31.

Inoke Momonakaya, 37, assault

A fomer soldier assaulted his pregnant wife after she intervened to stop him attacking a 12-year-old boy.

Inoke Momonakaya pushed his 23 weeks pregnant wife into a wall after kicking and spitting on the boy.

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Momonakaya, a 37-year-old father-of-three, of The Close, Kirkham, pleaded guilty to two offences of assault.

He was sentenced to 12 weeks imprisonment suspended for 18 months with up to 25 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service and ordered to pay £85 costs with £115 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said Momonakaya and his wife had been married for 15 years.

On July 4 the defendant accused a boy of being disrespectful to him. He banged the boy’s head on a wall, kicked him and spat on him.

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When his wife tried to intervene he put his hand over her mouth and pushed her into a wall. 
Neither the boy or his wife were injured.

Brett Chappell, defending, said his client had been in the Army serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and this had resulted in an impact on his mental health. 
He suffered from post traumatic stress disorder and had used cannabis and alcohol as a coping mechanism.

Momonakaya was now working with the organisation “Walking with the Wounded” which provided a report to the court about the problems the defendant had.

His wife was at court supporting him and hoped if any good came out of what her husband had done it would be that he got the help he needed.

Debra Paton, 52, assault and threatening behaviour

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A woman hit a community support officer on the arm and bared her bottom at a police officer.

Debra Paton had been drinking and argued with neighbours before calling the support officer “a blurt.”

Paton, 52, of Lowrey Terrace, South Shore, pleaded guilty to assault and threatening behaviour.

She was sentenced to a 12 months community order with up to 25 days rehabilitation to be supervised by the probation service, ordered to do 20 hours unpaid work for the community and told to pay £85 costs plus £85 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

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Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said a support officer was called to Lowrey Terrace after a complaint Paton was shouting and screaming in the street on October 13 about 10pm.

The officer followed her and she asked him “who are you?”.
She then tried to slap his face and as he raised his arm to protect himself she hit him on the arm. 
A police officer arrived and Paton bared her bottom at that officer.

Brett Chappell, defending, said Paton, who had been having problems with her neighbours, was very remorseful for what she had done. 
Her downfall had been her inability to resist her alcohol intake.

Jack Easter, 20, burglary

A man burgled a garage in St Annes after going there to ask if they had any jobs available.

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Jack Easter stole a laptop computer from a desk at the Quick Save Motorist Centre, St Albans Road.

Easter, 20, of Windsor Avenue, South Shore, who now has a job in a factory, pleaded guilty to burglary.

He was sentenced to a 12 months community order with 120 hours unpaid work for the community and ordered to pay £100 compensation with £85 costs plus £85 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said a £100 laptop was taken from the St Annes garage on August 31.
CCTV was checked which showed Easter going into the garage.

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The CCTV images were posted on Facebook and the article was tagged identifying the defendant. 
Easter said he would bring the laptop back but he failed to do so.

When interviewed he said he had sold it for £80 because he had no money.

Brett Chappell, defending, said his client had a poor record due to a previous addiction to cannabis which he had now conquered.

He had been released from custody in February and been doing well on post sentence supervision.

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Easter had gone to the garage to see if they had any jobs going. 
At the time he was not receiving benefits and had no money to live on. When he saw the laptop temptation got the better of him and he reverted to type.

Ashley Grundy, 25, threatening behaviour

A man shouted and swore in the street saying “Do you know who I am?” when he got involved in a row with a father and son.

Ashley Grundy, 25, of Sycamore Drive, Wesham, pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour.

He was given an 18 months conditional discharge and ordered to pay £25 compensation with £85 costs plus £20 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

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Prosecutor, Martine Connah, said a father and son were setting off for work in the morning and reversing their cars down the driveway of their home in Hunter Avenue, Freckleton on September 27.

Grundy pulled up in front of the father and son’s vehicles in a car with three other men.

He swore repeatedly and was extremely aggressive saying:”Do you know who I am, do you know who my family are?”

Grundy, who had a record of 65 previous offences, was on licence from prison at the time of the offence.

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Paolo Passerini, defending, said Grundy had been out with some mates and they had gone to visit friends.

The father and son took issue with where Grundy parked his car and it was essentially a row about parking.

Leighton Faith, 40, sexual activity in a public place

A sex offender has gone on the run and been put on the wanted list.

Leighton Faith, 40, of Carshalton Road, North Shore, committed a sex act in the toilets of the busy McDonalds restaurant in the resort’s Bank Hey Street on August 12 this year.

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Faith denied a charge of committing sexual activity in a public place but was found guilty of the offence after a trial in his absence.

He should have appeared at court to be sentenced yesterday but did not turn up.

Blackpool magistrates issued a warrant without bail for his arrest.

Paul Hughes, 34, breach of the peace

A factory worker refused to leave his own home after an argument with his girlfriend.

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Paul Hughes, 34, of Burlington Road, South Shore, pleaded guilty to breach of the peace and was bound over in the sum of £200 for 12 months by Blackpool magistrates.

Steven Townley, defending, told magistrates his client had been drinking and said they had argued over money.