Man raped woman during psychotic episode in which he saw 'men's names' written on her body, court told

Crown CourtCrown Court
Crown Court
A man with schizophrenia violently raped a woman in her home after suffering hallucinations.

Steven Grocock, 45, of Queens Promenade, Blackpool, has been jailed for eight years with an extended three year licence after a judge ruled he was a dangerous offender.

Drug addled Grocock raped the woman twice after trying to suffocate her and stuff a gag in her mouth, Preston Crown Court was told - even asking her: "Do you like it?"

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The dad-of-one then left the flat calling for help and telling members of public she had been 'gang raped'.

During the evening of June 13 last year they had consumed drugs together at her home, the court was told.

But Grocock turned on the woman after saying he could see writing on her legs and face which to him appeared to be men's names.

Prosecuting, Huw Edwards said he threatened to kill her and threw her across the room where she struck her eye.

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He pinned her on the door and stuffed something in her mouth, almost suffocating her, before tearing off her clothes and attacking her.

After the attack Grocock said: "Why did you make me do this to you?"

Mr Edwards added: "At around 4pm there was a disturbance.A neighbour in the flat below heard someone banging on her window.

"She heard somebody shouting: 'Call an ambulance.'

"Her partner answered the door to this defendant who said: 'She's overdosed, they've drugged her - they raped her and have written on top of her bum. They raped her for two days'.

"When they opened the door he was holding a frying pan."

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The court heard the defendant was then seen on his phone saying: 'She's in a bad state'. The couple believed he was high on drugs.

Paramedics found the woman lying in a distressed state on the floor. She was supported by specially trained officers.

In an interview the victim said: "I've never been so close to death in all my life."

Defending, David Traynor told the court psychiatrists believed Grocock was having signs of paranoid psychosis at the time, exacerbated by his drug abuse.

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Judge Barker said: " There was significant violence, particularly the means to try to incapacitate her through the use of a gag, creating indescribable fear in her mind.

"The comments you made to her suggest it was a rape designed to humiliate and degrade her.

"It is clear you were in a deranged state of mind."

He must sign the Sex Offender's Register for life and banned from contacting his victim indefinitely.