The colourful life of Larry - villain turned artist

Derek Zimmerman with his book about Larry RushtonDerek Zimmerman with his book about Larry Rushton
Derek Zimmerman with his book about Larry Rushton
Larry Rushton was a colourful character to say the least – a professional criminal from his teenage years who escaped from prison twice but while in jail discovering a talent for art which earned him glowing praise and invitations to exhibit his works.

Having spent most of his life, while free from confinement, in the St Annes and Blackpool area, Larry died, aged 76, in 2006, but his former brother-in-law Derek Zimmerman has written a biography which is published today.

It’s entitled Artist Among Thieves and the early chapters focus on Larry’s criminal days and experiences, while the latter section looks at his life as an artist leading to an art gallery exhibitions displaying just how good and versatile an artist he is.

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