Viagra hotel name upsets other B&Bs

The Viagra Hotel, on Dickson Road, BlackpoolThe Viagra Hotel, on Dickson Road, Blackpool
The Viagra Hotel, on Dickson Road, Blackpool
If it's name was intended to cause a bit of a stir and draw attention, then Blackpool's newly named Viagra Hotel is doing just that.

The establishment, on Dickson Road opposite to the junction with Cocker Street, is attracting something of a mixed reaction from residents and visitors alike.

The renamed hotel - complete with the phrase “We’ll keep you up all night” – has sparked the wrath of councillors and the company which owns the trade name for the product.

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Blackpool Council is unhappy about the name and hotel boss Neil Marshall could be in trouble for choosing what is already a pharmaceutical brand name – and one used as gentleman’s sexual aid.

After a lively debate on the Gazette’s website and Facebook pages, established hoteliers up and down Dickson Road have now given a variety of views on the topic.

Petra Chamberlain, one of the proprietors at the Gynway Guest House, said: “They could have chosen a better name.

“With that name, and the sign about keeping people up all night, it could lead to all sorts of people turning up day and night and causing problems in the local area.”

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Graham Copping, owner of the Trentham Hotel further along Dickson Road, said: “We’ve built up trade catering for families, not stags and hens, and I think having a place called that is in really bad taste.

“It doesn’t do anything for Blackpool at all.”

But Andrew Paterson, owner of the Rockdene Hotel, said: “It’s just tongue in cheek and I think it’s quite funny.

“I’m originally from Scotland and this has even got publicity up there, so it’s made an impact.

“I don’t think it will hurt trade here at all.”

Outside the Viagra Hotel, passers-by also had very varied views on the name, with some believing a more up-standing name might be more appropriate.

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Andrew Kearsley, 41, of Normoss, and Donna Leadbetter, 38, of Glasgow, Scotland, saw the funny side.

Andrew said: “I’ve no problem, with it, personally.

“I think they should be able to call their hotel what they want, within reason.”

Donna, visiting the resort, said: “It kind of goes with Blackpool, it’s sort of fun and cheeky.

“I think it will be popular with stags and hens.”

Paul Kelly, 32, who lives nearby on High Street, said: “I think it’s funny, they should be allowed to keep it.

“People like a laugh and Blackpool is that sort of place.”

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But Geoff Atkinson, 63, of Park Road, Blackpool, says it creates a bad impression.

He said: “To be honest, we already have too many stags and hens in Blackpool anyway, then we have this.

“It’s tacky, isn’t it? I don’t think it’s good for the town at all, it’s another one of those things which create a bad impression.

“They should change it.”

Paul and Joanne Davis, from Peterborough, were also divided.

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Paul, 43, said: “Yes, I noticed it this morning and I think it’s quite fun, it brought a smile to my face.”

But Joanne, 45, said: “It’s a bit like a knocking shop, isn’t it?

“It’s tasteless and I wouldn’t want to live opposite.”