Young survivor to run for baby unit

Phoebe Lyons will be taking part in the Big Fun RunPhoebe Lyons will be taking part in the Big Fun Run
Phoebe Lyons will be taking part in the Big Fun Run
A girl born more than four months early '“ weighing less than a tin of soup '“ plans to run 5km for charity to celebrate her eighth birthday.

Phoebe Lyons, who spent 14 weeks in hospital after being born in August 2008, will take part in the Big Fun Run in Manchester’s Heaton Park on August 21.

The Poulton youngster, who goes to St John’s Catholic Primary School in Breck Road, has already smashed her fund-raising target – which will benefit Blackpool Victoria Hospital’s Blue Skies charity.

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Proud mum Emma, 36, said: “Phoebe loves to keep fit and active and she is keen to get into running.

“She’s seen me and her dad Phil run as we’ve taken part in a few races, and she’s decided she wants to run to raise money for the Neonatal Unit at Blackpool.”

Emma, also mum to Zoe, four, said Phoebe’s training is going well, starting with running laps around the garden to some small runs out and about.

In the coming weeks her and Phil will start training her further afield.

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Emma added: “Phoebe is really excited. She’s never done a run or anything like this before so her aim is just to complete it.

“She hopes to jog the entire track.

“What happened when Phoebe was born feels like a million years ago, but to go through it was a struggle – it’s not the way you would ever expect to start a family.”

To support Phoebe as she prepares for her run, visit

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